Topic four: Excretion

EXCRETION Excretion is the term used to describe the removal of metabolic waste products from the body. Excretion through the skin plays an important role in thermoregulation, electrolyte balance and hydration. The skin is an excretory organ, although the lungs and...

Topic three: Sensation

SENSATION Skin forms the largest sensory organ of the body. Nerve receptors located in the skin are sensitive to pain, touch, temperature and pressure. These nerve endings are found throughout the whole organ. However, they are more concentrated in areas such as the...

Topic two: Protection

Protection Skin, along with its derivatives, for example hair, nails, glands and nerve endings, forms the integumentary system. Skin is a physical barrier that protects underlying tissues from minor mechanical blows, bacterial and viral invasion, dehydration and...

Topic one: Thermoregulation

THERMOREGULATION In health, the human body regulates its temperature at a constant average of 37°C even though the environment temperature may vary greatly. This is maintained via a negative feedback system, in which the skin plays a major role.The Role of Skin in...