Wound Assessment - simplified
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Benbow, M.(2016) Best Practice in Wound Assessment. Nursing Standard 30,27,40-47. ||| Benbow, M. (2011) Documentation: keeping accurate patient records. Wound Essentials. 6 90-92. ||| Dowsett,C. Protz,K. Drouard, M. Harding, K G. Triangle of Wound Assessment, Made Easy, Wounds International, May 2015. ||| Draft Guidance to Support Audit of Wound Assessment Minimum Data Set, Leading Change, Adding Value Framework for Nursing and Midwifery and Care Staff. May 2016. ||| D hoonmoon L, Nair HKR, Abbas Z et al (2023) International Consensus Document: Wound care and skin tone signs, symptoms and terminology for all skin tones. Wounds International.Available online at www.woundsinternational.com ||| Eagle, M, (2009) Wound Assessment: The Patient and the wound. Wound Essentials 4, 14 – 24. ||| International Best Practice Statement: Optimising patient involvement in wound management. Wounds International,2016. ||| International Wound Infection Institute (IWII) Wound Infection in Clinical Practice. Wounds International. 2022. ||| M, Romanelli. K,Vowden. D, Weir. Exudate Management Made Easy. Wounds International. 2010. ||| Ousey, K. Atkin, L. (2013) Optimising the patient journey made easy. Wounds UK, 9, 2, June. ||| Ousey, K. Cook. (2012) Wound assessment made easy. Wounds UK,8,2.June. ||| Wound care advisor 2017 Wound Photography – How it Benefits Clinical Documentation. ||| World Union of Healing Societies (2016) Advances in wound care: The triangle of wound assessment. Wounds International. ||| World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) Consensus Document. Wound exudate: effective assessment and management Wounds International, 2019. ||| World Union of Healing Societies (2007) Principles of best practice: Wound Photography – How it Benefits Clinical Documentation. ||| Wounds UK (2021) Best Practice Statement: Addressing skin tone bias in wound care: assessing signs and symptoms in people with dark skin tones. Wounds UK, London. ||| WUWHS symposium patient advocacy: Patient-centred care: a call to action for wound management. JOURNAL OF WOUND CARE VOL 26, NO 11, NOVEMBER 2017.