Burn Wound Management

Burn Wound Management

First steps depend very much on the complexity or severity of the burn. The patient’s ABC needs to be assessed first.

If the heat source has been removed, then apply copious amounts of water to the injured area to stop the burning process and help relieve pain. The water should be tepid, not cold, as this will help to minimise tissue damage.

With chemical burns (e.g. dry lime), any residue or dust should be brushed off the skin before rinsing. (Gnaneswaran et al., 2015)

Burns, apart from those on the face, can be covered with cling film until properly assessed. The cling film should be layered rather than wrapped around a limb to prevent the risk of constriction. When cleaning burns, never use hydrogen peroxide or povidone iodine because they can cause further damage and exacerbate pain (Vuolo, 2009).