Topic Progress:

Topic Two: Complex and Non-complex wounds


The care of patients with non-complex burn injuries is usually nurse-led and should be aimed at:

  • Preventing or reducing the risk of wound
  • Infection
  • Applying moist wound care
  • Optimising pain relief
  • Providing patient education

Local burn wound management is a vital feature of burn therapy after the emergency treatment phase and can have considerable influence on healing time.

Factors that delay healing, slowing or stalling wound progression include wound infection, presence of hyper granulation tissue, wound desiccation and systemic issues such as hypotension.

The prevention of infection and desiccation of viable tissue through moist wound healing is the main goal. (International Best Practice Guidelines, 2014; Jeschke et al., 2018)

complex wound

Deep dermal wounds are more difficult to treat, but some will heal without surgical intervention if a moist wound environment that is free from infection is encouraged.